THIS!! If You Can't Understand This.. How The Fuck Have You Been Dancing for Years & Who The Fuck Does Your Taxes?

 I am currently having various discussions about the industry and one of my comments is actually a necessary blog post. Not that I haven't mentioned any of the information for people, but this is broken down. Step by step... If it didn't take the first 548 times, here's my 549th time spewing the same shit.. One day I am hoping this shit STICKS! (FOR MY SANITY.. Y'ALL BITCHES ARE MAKING ME CRAZY!) Seriously, STOP acting like you know everything, because IF you did, the following would be included; and it's not. Y'all need to LEARN THIS SHIT!! 


Visit I am listed under "officers" for the IEAU which is the mother union. The Exotic Dancer Guild is our subordinate designed only for strippers. We cover all legal sex workers and adult entertainers. Even UFC fighters & tattoo artists. It's pretty cool, but it has been a nightmare getting people to join. Even the ones going "we want a union".. It already exists. Like all unions, it's federal & local chapters will pop up as membership rises. I can literally drop the link in people's "we deserve rights" threads & am starting to wonder if half of them even understand unions, what they are or how they operate. I found a way to unionize indy contractors. I fought hard & it is in our drop menu under "LLC memberships". We file your EIN (tax ID) & register you as an LLC, making you an employee under your own name. The only difference is that we cannot perform union functions, i.e. collective bargaining, as you are your own employee in that case, and not an employee of the club. Therefore only union derived benefits are available. It didn't make sense to exclude 80% of the industry when only 20% are properly labeled workers and strippers, most of them anyway, prefer to actually be contractors and treated as such. Excluding the brunt of the dance industry is asinine, so I came up with the LLC program and the DOL seems to approve. It has NEVER been legal to work sans EIN.

On paper we're contractors. What the owner knows & pretty much NOBODY else is aware of is that it is the duty of the establishment's owner to provide the IRS form to acquire a legal tax ID. In other words, every time they make someone sign a contract, mislabeled or not, the contractor cannot legally work without filing for their own employer ID number first. On the form the entire mid section is actually for the owner to put their own EIN/LLC on the application along with any other necessary tax info. They don't, obviously, because they only thrive on treachery. Can't steal cash that is on someone's books or a dancer's REAL tax form.. IRS forms 4070 & 4070A are calculated tip ledgers that can be filled out weekly, biweekly etc. Form 4070A is the worker's copy. Form 4070 goes to the owner, who must keep every single dancer's ledgers for taxes; meaning they would be forced to stop the bullshit.. Who wants that? In column D they ask that you provide the full names of every single person you tipped and how much. Boom.. IRS cross reference!

NOBODY that we tip out actually qualifies as a legally tipped employee, meaning they cannot report the cash income they get from us. If dancers would just fucking pay taxes, the IRS would have seen this shit a very long time ago and half the industry issues would never have existed. Like mislabeling, which is tax fraud.. Aaand if you look at IRS form 3949-A, to report mislabeling, there are 3 kinds of fraud every stripper can check off. Failure to pay employee tax, unsubstantiated income, failure to report cash income and in most cases "failure to withhold employee tax". Going back to the ledgers, obviously neither form can be fudged and they must match because come tax season, they have to file every ledger they've been given whilst dancers send theirs in with the 1099MISC form; which has ALWAYS required an EIN.. Question....

How exactly do dancers file their taxes as contractors when they don't even have a tax ID? Pot calling the kettle black much?? The IRS will reject all forms missing vital information, i.e A TAX ID IN THE BOX LABELED "PAYER'S TIN" RIGHT BENEATH THE NAME AND ADDRESS BOX!! How can you possibly file taxes properly when the MOST important piece of information is MISSING!?!! Is this concept really that hard to grasp? Wanna end mislabeling, wage theft and even trafficking? File taxes properly. Done. The rest the IRS will handle. How is it that nobody can manage to use the tools provided to prevent the very thing they incessantly bitch about? Paying some bullshit cash to the IRS is nowhere near as expensive as paying the owner's mortgage and club overhead. Or... quit bitching. I am one of a few people relentlessly trying to help fix a problem ALL of us have complained about. THIS IS THE PART WHERE YOU STOP TALKING & GO DO YOUR SHIT RIGHT!! God I am glad I got out!


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