In Our Industry, You ARE the Corporation! If You Want to Contract Your Services, Think of Yourself As A Business and Your Service Is As A Product- Then Sell Yourself

  The whole "sex workers deserve rights" movement hasn't ended, it just isn't in the headlines anymore. In states like Washington, Oregon and California they've either continued to stand together or in the case of CA entertainers, moved to Austin, TX and other large cities in TX. My being here is a complete coincidence. I have been retired since September of 2018 and met with the CEO of America's largest chain of clubs last March, it was Friday the 13th and he was in my old town in IA, with Stormy Daniels. They were there for the grand opening of their newest franchise; aka the rat hole I took down. How is this relevant? I was in the news and made headlines for a while. I managed to meet important people who all play a role in this (now) crumbling industry. 

 I had to get the hell out of that town and while CA residents ironically scattered across TX and IA, I inadvertently moved to the right place. Iowa may have more people coming in, but Texas has the biggest corporations in America moving in; meaning CA clubs are in deep trouble and there isn't a damn thing left to do but fight, or take flight! Tesla, Apple and Lyft recently moved to TX and it is a direct result of California's Dynamex ruling on contractors vs employees, and Assembly Bill 5, drafted by Lorena Gonzalez; it was written to tighten the reins on business who've purposely mislabeled their employees as contractors to avoid paying employee taxes, in what is unarguably the most expensive state with what was once the largest economy in the United States. 

 Needless to say, it quickly backfired and people like Elon Musk (CEO of Tesla) and other major corporations moved to a state that now has, unarguably, the fastest growing US economy. I have met about as many Californians as I have Texans, since my move to Austin and my massive lifestyle change. The ruling and bill to follow absolutely destroyed the state of California but it broke its people. The workers who were lied to by the corporations they'd worked for for years lost their jobs, which isn't the outcome they'd expected when they were told their rights were being protected. In doing so, California also destroyed the adult entertainment industry and let's face it, Colorado has far exceeded California in production of Marijuana and the tax revenue the crop brings in. California has sealed its fate, fortunately for entertainers this means all the money is in TX now. So this really is the absolute best state in the nation to enter and/or exit the industry. Why?

 Rapid job growth both in and outside of the industry. Wanna get the fuck out? Apple is always hiring people on the ground level, with minimal experience and here's the best part; strippers can take on assholes better than anyone. Fuck what you did last year, go kick ass at Apple and show those little silver spoon fed bitches what hard work is and how to rise up like a bitch in clear heels! Most jobs look more at your abilities and experience rather than a piece of paper. A college degree is just a piece of paper that tells employers "I can put up with bullshit and finish tasks", but a former imbecile ex-president -ironically from the great state of Texas- was a straight "C" moron at Harvard; MY IQ is probably 50 points above his. And? That's NOT to say education is unnecessary, I will definitely agree it is not for everyone and that's okay too. I have a lot of education but experience is what matters most.. 

 I joined a union, became a DOL officer for said union's board of directors and now I do our bidding for OSHA and change laws regarding people in the adult entertainment industry. Getting much deserved respect from actual DOL-OSHA directors and working on dancer's rights. How did I get myself into that? I just started networking, the union saw my talents and voted me onto the main board as their chief communications officer and I just did it. Inmade phone calls, over 300 letters and e-mails.. How did I learn that skill? By being a god damned stripper and learning how to strike up a conversation with a mannequin. We may all come with our own matching sets of baggage, but every single one of us has a unique talent; and most of us are fortunate enough to find it if we look at ourselves hard enough. Listen to the sincere undertone in people's voices when they say something positive about or to you. If you "belong" in the industry you will come out of it a better, stronger and wiser "you". You will reach every goal like always, the circumstance may change, your inner badass bitch remains!

 I always thought I was socially awkward, and I was, but it was because I have an insanely high IQ and just hadn't found my niche yet. Impressing the hell out of everyone with my intelligence is my favorite thing in the world. A stripper with brains and... NOPE! If someone tells you you're wasting your potential, walk away! Do not under any circumstances listen to a damn thing anyone says after they utter those words; they're not true. It is a lie! I've rarely seen my sisters fail at reaching their goals. Some stripped for a law degree, some for a PhD and half the nurses and medical assistants in the US who treat people on a daily basis probably danced. Statistically, nursing school is where most of us end up. I didn't, but have worked with plenty over the years who now do everything from taking X-Rays to diagnosing patients and writing prescriptions. For those who need a little help getting there, that is what my resource and SW only non-profit is for. I will be based out of TX and hoping to run one clinic, then expand, and it will be a mental health facility for SWs only!

 I will forever remain my own boss and succeed on my own.

***STRIPPER HATERS... I wouldn't be so quick to judge the people who now take care of COVID patients just because they stripped to be able to save your sorry asses one day!!***


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