I don't work for free...

There's an acronym taught in every Economics class in every school everywhere; TINSTAAFL- There Is No Such Thing As A Free Lunch... Can someone relay that message to the gentlemen who visit clubs? Anymore, it seems, the harder you work, the less you have to show for it. I don't know about anyone else, but when I see a girl sweating her ass off, walking around the pole on the ceiling, and doing out if this world acrobatics, I TIP! It's not a free show and talent used to be valued.

Having spent 10+ years in the industry, while waiting tables in between, I can honestly say that tipping is lost on people. Before anyone comes back with bullshit responses like, "Then get a real job", or, "Then why do you do it?", let me say this; ANY JOB THAT PAYS MONEY IS A REAL JOB! I've never been paid with Monopoly money.. Now, back to my original point. It's just common sense that you tip your waitress and that dancers work for cash. So being cheap isn't going to change anything except how YOU get treated. If I know someone doesn't tip, I'm not going out of my way to provide immaculate service that I rightfully reserve for people who actually know how to go out to eat, and tip accordingly. Ever wonder why your waitress stopped coming to your table except to bring refills? You've already let her know you won't be compensating her services, and reading customers is a skill we all learn.

Dancing is NO different, except as a dancer you get NO hourly pay, and it's all cash. This is all common knowledge. We sustain injuries, get bruised up, and take pride in our performances. As an entertainer that's what I do; I entertain. I've spent hours, days, years learning how to spin, twirl, flip, and bend ALL for YOUR entertainment. I've sprained ankles, wrists, jammed fingers, and developed arthritis all in the name of entertainment. For a while, that was good enough.. It isn't anymore.

It is exceptionally rude and classless to stare at a stripper's vag for hours and NOT tip her. I remember when flipping upside down on a pole meant dollars flying from all directions. Being extra sensual got every man in the room to focus on you. They lined up to ask for private time.. Now? I can do kegels an inch from someone's face and I'm lucky if my tip is above $1. Pole tricks? Well, I'm so glad I went to PT for nothing due to various strains. Talent simply isn't appreciated anymore. In fact, you might as well just lie there during a floor show with your legs wide open; you'll make the same amount as you would killing yourself on the pole.

Guys... Seriously, take it from a woman who's done both jobs; tipping is your responsibility should you decide to use a tipped service! Don't have money to tip? Don't go out to eat. Same applies for clubs. If you only have money for club entry and a beer, then don't come in. It isn't a spectator sport unless you're attending a competition! A lot of clubs have a purchase rule; purchase one drink per hour, our you're asked to leave. Now, you may think this is unfair to you, but you're being unfair to the waitresses, dancers, and business itself. You're taking up chairs that could be occupied by PAYING customers. Again, waitress or dancer, it doesn't matter; we're here to work and YOU chose to pay for service, so pay you must. Would you provide free service? Free oil changes? Free roof repairs? No? Then why make us do our jobs for free? I can parade around naked and serve food for free at home; I don't need to go to work to do that. J/S 😎


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