Workplace Inequality Can Only Be Fixed by the Same People Who Created It!

 * The sex industry is notoriously riddled with covert racism & it's time to bring to light a very ugly side of the industry that's largely left unseen or isn't taken seriously. All of us have been told that we have to "just deal" with men assaulting us or maybe it's not the right career for us. It's just part of the job. We have to "understand" men can't control themselves.. We know these facts already, for the most part. Assault inside clubs is seen to be as perfunctory as a phone call is to someone's assistant. But it's NOT normal and it's also really fucked up that this notion exists in nearly every club. The problem nobody wanted to talk about until now, but in hushed voices and only with some.

 * Black sex workers and those within the LGBTQ community, which crossover, are statistically higher targets and 40% of black and multiracial transgender sex workers are a target of violence, assault or arrest. The stigma should've been gone long ago with all the white cisgender sex workers who support their multiracial and/or LGBT counterparts. The stigma won't go away even if every sex offender is brought to justice..

 * Sex workers keep the stigma alive.. We're still separating ourselves from one another when we're already ostracized or looked down on by society. Racism is very much alive and in the sex industry it's significantly worse for POC & LGBT, especially transgender POC, when those who can really change that are either adding to the problem themselves or write all over social media how we should speak up for more marginalized sex workers; but often that's where the show of support ends.

 * When I swore to always be a voice, listen and never turn my back on others in the sex industry; it meant ALL sex workers. Race, sexual orientation etc. play ZERO factor in how hard union officers, like myself, will work to break stigmas. We fight for everyone and there's no shame placed on anyone. Never! If people really want to use their "white privilege", then a tweet or even this blog won't cut it. That's all redundant and anymore, an exercise in futility.

 * Stand up and THINK OF YOURSELF IN THEIR SHOES! Being harassed by your employer. Possibly assaulted. You're at a higher risk than you already are for being a sex worker, but add race and sexual orientation and identity into the mix and it's significantly more complicated to do ANYTHING! Getting a cop or lawyer to actually listen or believe you? Easy for me! Nearly impossible for my WOC industry sisters. So it's going to take a lot more than a tweet or hashtag to make changes.

 * I self-destructed and imploded my whole life to shake the industry with my now infamous story. So it stands to reason that what I was able to do for myself and on my own, I can surely do for or help someone else do the same. Break down barriers. Force people to pay attention. Make them understand the magnitude of it all. People thought what they saw in my story was atrocious and I successfully humanized strippers; then they should be even more outraged and disgusted by the ugliness of the industry for people who already face discrimination for their skin color or whom they love. Clearly the issue isn't gone. Yes, we HAVE addressed the issue.. NUMEROUS TIMES OVER THE YEARS!! But we haven't actually done anything!

 * The stigma will be lifted when the cisgender white sex workers make it stop! I saw the racism inside strip clubs. How my WOC coworkers were treated vs how I was treated. I got respected by most because I DEMAND it always. But it's not that simple for minorities. They have to deal with racism, police reports that are labeled "NHI- No human involved" in assault cases. We can rattle off the fact until we're blue in the face. It won't do anything to help anyone!!

 * We.. I will be using ALL of my connections in my enormous network to help people take action against their abusers. Make people pay attention by shutting them up with a story that adds the much needed shock value. Do something to make a dent in the industry by finding employment law attorneys. Write a bill and take it to you local senator or house rep. How?! Learn their name, find their office, open door and walk in! It works. I know. I've done it 3 times now!

 * For all legal sex workers, even legal escorts, if you're an employee then you can sign up for an actual union that's there to PROTECT YOU AND YOUR RIGHTS! Civil rights are part of that equation. We don't allow discrimination of any kind against anyone! Members and especially the offiers on the board of directors; again, I'm included in the list. Here's the thing..

 * I'm breaking a story and then the industry will get shaken up AGAIN by an even bigger earthquake! I shook the industry but what's coming next may very well obliterate people's minds. The "what" will be very blatantly obvious once it's out but that's not the part that will make people's heads spin. I'm never going to reveal what or if I played a role in this next dose of reality for the masses; but by now, everyone who follows me knows I can pull strings better than a puppeteer! If that's what it takes for me to HELP BY USING MY STATUS AND CONNECTIONS; YOU KNOW I'LL DO JUST ABOUT ANYTHING!

 * I'll leave you with this parting thought.. Everyone knows I'll do anything for anyone who needs me and asks for my help; and will go to any lengths to make something happen. Tenfold for others because I stood up for myself and the industry already. But there's some people you need to hear from before you can even begin to grasp what I'm even talking about. And so it will be... Sex workers, you want support and to be accepted?! Try accepting and CARING for each other first. By that I mean white cis sex workers. Accept EVERYONE in the industry as your equal before you beg others to do the same for you!

 * Ever think the divide isn't really society's fault?! Well.. Now you have! So... Instead of using recycled banter on social media, what can you do to help? I answered that already and it's spelled out in black and white! Literally right in front of you! Get up and go DO something! Protesting is excluded from that!! Try. Something. NEW!


  1. I absolutely LOVE this. Can you check out my White Privilege Dealer blog and tell me what you think?

    1. Will do! I read your "American Dream" one. I have said pretty much all of that at some point. You'd think by now SOME of what is constantly reiterated would stick! I love all the SWs, but many need to stop talking and start listening; unfortunately, the ones that always argue are the ones who know the least. It makes it difficult to teach anyone anything because everyone thinks they're the smartest person in the room. That last statement just kind of applies to people in general. They aren't actually listening, but rather thinking about what they want to say next that may not even be related anything they were told.


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