The Part of The Story Left Untold; WOC/LGBTQ Voices.

Recently a club owner in MA was accused of multiple violations, but those are only the pretty bows on an unwanted package. The real story came from a brave black woman {name omitted for now}, well call her "C", and she belongs to the most marginalized of even LGBTQ sex workers. The man in question is Nick and I've been granted permission by the necessary parties involved. Let's begin.

 "He lured us in by kinda advertising his club as an LGBTQ friendly place. But then he also made a point to include that "women of color" [sic] had a safe space." - C

Me: "So he lured you in by promising that he'd provide a safe haven for LGBTQ strippers, women of color especially?"

C: "Yeah and his ex said he did this before with her heritage in particular."

Me: "So we've established his pattern of behavior & "M.O" for targeting women he feels nobody will care for or even listen to, correct?"

C: "Exactly. He even had his friends come in and solicit us, then he'd throw them out after."

Me: "Do you believe he threw them out to keep up his transparent facade or possibly only when a stripper complained? Testing you. Finding the women he may plan to pimp out, so trafficking them, based on their passive to aggressive reactions. After everything this is what I'm hearing."

C: "Yeah.. I love you for caring and for putting it into words. It's not just about me. It's so much worse. And I told him he has no right to use my pics but he still uses me to promote the place. Even though I left. He fired me."

Me: "You know coming forward will make you a heroine to so many young women of color in the sex industry, especially the least heard LGBTQ community. Focusing not on the already exposed reality, but the reality even those in the sex industry deny. Black LGBTQ women are 40% more likely to be trafficked and it sounds to me that your old boss was literally testing possible victims through staged solicitation of prostitution. Breaking about 4 felonies, not including the labor violations. He's not getting away with it. He finally messed with the wrong bitch! YOU!"

C: "Me? Yeah I guess I feel it's my duty to be a role model to those who think nobody cares. Like I can't believe you came to me and asked me. To be open and you just care. It's so crazy."

Me: "Not crazy. You're here to be the voice your community has long deserved. Be brave. Be the black bitch in the LGBTQ community of sex workers to bring down a PRIVILEGED WHITE ASSHOLE!! And make history. I'll be behind you pulling the strings. Just keep that volume on blast!"

C: "I can't believe this! Seriously?"

Me: "I'm every stripper's secret weapon, trump card and/or final move to check mate. Club owners should be scared of me by now. My name comes with ugly consequences, for them and you just made a really strong alli. You're UNIONIZED BLACK LGBTQ SEX WORKERS, SPEAKING OUT AGAINST YOU ABUSER, NICK AND NOBODY WILL TAKE THIS AWAY FROM YOU!"

*** This was a real conversation between myself and the BRAVEST BITCH I KNOW! D- I LOVE YOU! Be strong. Remain brave and loud. You're the TRUE HERO OF THIS STORY!! 

Google Club Castaway. Caramel had NO prior knowledge to the current news surrounding Mr. Spagnola. But we had the story READY BEFORE! I will never silence anyone! So.. Here's to you, you know who you are and you're a terrible friend.

This is for all the BLACK strippers whose voices were silenced by their "SISTER".. Caramel and I made sure 2 MONTHS AGO that this shit gets told BY THE RIGHT PEOPLE and AS PREDICTED; STOLEN BY THE SAME PERSON WHO MADE ME RESIGN FROM THE EDG! I'm no longer here in the same capacity..


Caramel... I told you I'd NEVER let you down. I've ALL the proof I need to show the world that YOU are the first to stand up!


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