I Miss Dancing and I Feel As If Part of Me is Gone

 *It's been nearly two years since I quit dancing and I realized I can't be happy until I leave the industry on my own terms. I left my old job because I had a stalker and he threatened to kidnap my son; it's a long story but on my last day, upon walking in, I had zero intention of quitting. I had asked an ex-coworker to let me know if he contacts her. I moved to IA from Chicago in 2011 and started at my club three days later. I met my friend and stalker shortly thereafter. She hated him. In 2018, neither of them worked with me any longer and they didn't talk.

 *On my last day I had finally gotten used to being away from my son and could't wait to be there because I was FINALLY happy; making steady money and doing better than ever. Five hours in I checked my messages, and there it was; the words I'd dreaded and knew were coming, but part of me had hoped I was wrong. "Hey sweets, I don;t wanna freak you out but he messaged me out of nowhere, asking me what I'd been doing and how 'people' are doing." My heart nearly jumped out out of my chest. I  KNEW how he found out because I set a trap beforehand and I have not set foot in a club, nor left my son's side since one of the WORST days of my life! I've BEEN isolated for two years already and only left if I had to; their father and I agreed only WE will be with out kids, and I will wait until he's able to stay with them after work. Otherwise, the only person my son comes in contact with is his pediatrician, for his vaccinations.

 *Unbeknownst to anyone (((IN ANY FACET OF MY LIFE- PERSONAL, PROFESSIONAL, ONLINE ETC>))), I BEGAN MY RESEARCH IN 2008, WHEN I WAS STILL IN CHICAGO; on the general club environment, psychology and the dichotomy between strippers and everyone we come in contact with daily. How strippers interrelate with one another, managers, DJs etc. and in 2018 I HAD A DECADE'S WORTH OF RESEARCH AND DATA/STATS COMPILED; AND THREE OF THOSE ***TEN*** YEARS INCLUDE MY STUDIES ON STRIPPERS ALL OVER THE WORLD, MAIN FOCUS BEING AMERICAN STRIPPER CULTURE/PSYCH; AND FOUND SOMETHING EVEN MORE MIND BOGGLING!

***** It,s BECAUSE of TEN YEARS OF OBSERVATIONS, ACTUAL TESTING AND INTERACTIONS, that I remain headstrong and stand firm, especially when challenged; and speak/write with such confidence, knowing even strippers won't realize a notable pattern they all cycle through, until my book is out. I'm SOMEONE VERY IMPORTANT to every single stripper in the United States and their respective employers' worst nightmare; unless they're smart and play my game with me, KNOWING I WILL ALWAYS outmaneuver and be ten steps ahead of them. I have been throughout my entire career, after my probation as "baby stripper", of course.*****

 *****I'm NEITHER a threat to owners, nor am I by ANY means harmless, because MY CONCERN is not only the safety and rights of strippers; but REEDUCATION and only refer them to my team of attorneys if  it's the RIGHT move; and my attorney approved the screening system I engineered .This means I play devil's advocate, better than anyone I've met in my entire life, and it's WHY STRIPPERS NEED TO  STOP WORRYING AND START PAYING ATTENTION TO REALITY. Learning about me via Google is a good start, then the work even people who've never danced admire. Hand to bible (or whatever is sacred to YOU), I know things and only share SOME information; all of which will always be the truth! I've never steered anyone wrong!*****

 *I have very specific theories, which I tested in ALL TWELVE CLUBS I WORKED AT, the last being where I spent the brunt of seven years, and all had proved me right; then I used my general findings for a thesis statement. MY DISSERTATION FOR A PSYCH PhD IS ALL ABOUT MY FINDINGS AND FOR AS LONG AS OUR INDUSTRY HAS EXISTED< NOBODY HAS EVER SEEN WHAT I SAW, NOR GET A PhD IN STRIPPER PSYCHOLOGY!! When said PhD is earned, it means I'll LITERALLY BE THE ONLY EXPERT on this particular subject. That means people can begin to take me seriously and not ignore me because I don't post videos of myself on my pole. I've had almost NO time to practice or relax in almost 2 years, and I STAYED inside my home the entire time, WORKING FOR YOU!! I pretty much IMPLODED my own life when it was time to go ahead and begin sharing information, ONLY IF it is important and necessary.

 *I won't reveal the actual mind blowing results until my book is released. It's NOT a memoir. I'm the "Freud, Jung AND Piaget" of strippers and it is ALL ABOUT YOU ! I have dropped covert hints, typically in the form of polls. NONE of my polls are hypothetical; the're just more proof of my theories and the ideas or anything I poll on is already in existence and not just a concept; or reality. I use the responses as MORE data for gauging severity, in what order needs must be addressed for the success of the industry and for union purposes. I am Chief Communications Officer on the main IEAU board and therefore PRIVY TO LAWS STRIPPERS DON'T EVEN KNOW EXIST and I bait people reactions. Again, for the sake of my psychology PhD, expertise being THE STRIPPER UNIVERSE and I have ONLY THIS TO TELL YOU....


 * I am TERRIFIED for strippers that still ignore what's right in front of them, even though they get pissed off or argue with me because they DON'T WANT THINGS TO BE ANYTHING OTHER THAN HOW THEY WERE!!! I learned early on that DENIAL IS A CONDUIT FOR HOPE and career strippers have lived in OUR JADED AND WARPED world so long, that absolutely everything is how THEY perceive it to be even when tangible evidence is in front of them. Every stripper wants what they want and once you realize THINGS ARE WHAT THEY ARE, DESPITE what you THINK they are, WE CAN FIX THE INDUSTRY!!! Until then, I'll annoy you to death like your mother did when you refused to WAKE UP for school. I'll leave you with this last bit of difficult to swallow reality...


 *What was your plan for retirement? IF you had one, start working on it JUST IN CASE 40% to about HALF of ALL CLUBS IN THE UNITED STATES ARE DONE FOR, because that is an ACCURATE figure and NOT THEORETICAL! Asking your boss for money is futile. He spent it all.. And if you're LUCKY ENOUGH TO WORK IN A MAJOR CLUB, asking them to pay you NOW ensures YOU WON'T HAVE A JOB THERE LATER because YOU brought the money in in the first place and you're focusing on the WRONG things. If YOUR CLUB has a fund set aside FOR YOU TO HAVE A STAGE TO PERFORM ON IN A YEAR OR LONGER, WHY ARE YOU LITERALLY ASKING THEM TO BANKRUPT THEMSELVES AND DRAIN FUNDS THAT ONCE MAY HAVE GUARANTEED YOU HAD A JOB TO GO BACK TO! 

 *If you DON'T CARE ABOUT ANY OF THIS, YOU'RE RIGHT THAT NOTHING WILL CHANGE! If you REALLY want change, KNOW the meaning of symbiosis. KNOW that you are HALF of a symbiotic relationship and the other half is on your employer. HOWEVER, apathy is WHY your club is empty. When the QUALITY drops and strippers blame customers for not getting what they paid for; then you might as well set the building on fire. NOBODY goes to the strip club for the overpriced drinks, ugly ass bouncers or ANYONE OTHER THAN YOU! A piece of unsolicited but MUCH NEEDED advice...

 *When you start your own company, make sure your product or service is mediocre, or nonexistent, and get ready to contend with competitors who PERFECTED the products AND services you hastily offered because you wanted money; BUT REFUSED TO SPEND ANYTHING TO MAKE YOU A SUCCESS. THEY'RE GOING TO BURY YOU and you'll go bankrupt because nobody wants to pay for mediocrity when they can get the QUALITY they deserve for the exact same price.. Translation: It's actually NOT the club's duty to PROVIDE CUSTOMERS, it's YOUR JOB TO BRING THEM IN and fulfill fantasies! IF you're lucky and you DO get to dance again, maybe try focusing on drawing out their hidden desires (ONLY WHAT'S LEGAL... NOTHING MORE; SOME STATES MAKE GUYS KEEP THEIR HANDS AT THEIR SIDES, for example!!) and then fulfill them; because that's PART of your job. They ALL come in for very Freudian reasons and a GREAT stripper spends a little time to analyze them, find out what they need (they WON'T always be able to or want to verbalize it) and FOCUS ON MAKING THEM HAPPY!! If all you care about is money, THEY KNOW and that's NOT what they came in for.

 *I don't care what people say, I have gotten slammed for this but I KNOW that if we suck, so does business. Stop blaming the guys and your club owner for YOU NOT PERFORMING UNIVERSAL JOB DUTIES, and as a general rule we're "fantasy" women and the ONLY way to keep this industry alive and FIX IT, strippers need to go back to being whatever someone wants not vice versa; they're not coming in to please you! That's all on you. Look at busy/good clubs versus the alternate; what's the MAIN difference? Strippers and the overall atmosphere, which depends on OUR attitudes and the empty clubs have a lot of unqualified dancers OR shitty attitudes. "Give me money and fuck off" is the vibe that drives them out. Entitlement is what RUINED the industry, NOT club owners, NOT porn; it's strippers who think they're entitled to everything by doing nothing.

 *You can make six figures a year if you FOCUS ON THE PEOPLE THAT BRING IN THE MONEY and NEVER the money itself! Same as a bartender or waitress... You say, "She's so ugly...fat...plain etc, why do guys like her? She must be doing nasty shit because she always makes money, and I'm way hotter but can't make shit".... THAT'S THE ATTITUDE THAT RUINED YOUR MONEY... The "ugly bitch" has a great work ethic, attitude and makes customers feel welcome and happy. Try that sometime..

 *If this pissed you off it's because YOU know it's true and you're the one who needs to change.. If you can't do that, leave and let those who DO make money because you're fucking EVERYONE'S money up because you have a bad attitude and they deserve to make money for doing OUR JOB RIGHT!! If all you care about is money and don't give a shit about FIXING YOURSELF, then your club will always be dead. I always heard about how much the "big" club sucks because the GIRLS ARE BITCHES!!! They're hot, but they get mad at guys for turning them down because ALL they did was ask the guy to dance without spending 5 minutes BEING NICE!! Then it's the guys' fault? NO guy wants that. Accept that YOU HELPED DESTROY YOUR OWN JOB and try BEING A STRIPPER WHO DOES THEIR JOB RIGHT!

 *It's an observation that is ABSOLUTELY TRUE and so long as you fight it, you can't be happy and can't expect anything to improve. If you don't want to be there, it SHOWS. If you HATE your job, it SHOWS! If a waitress didn't refill your drink, check on you from time to time and when she did come to you had a shitty attitude, would YOU WANT TO TIP HER THE 20% she THINKS SHE'S ENTITLED TO; or ARE YOU LIKE EVERYONE ELSE AND TIP ACCORDING TO QUALITY OF SERVICE???

 *So why do you expect something from people you're rude to when you would NEVER tip 20% if your service sucks! You DO have to provide QUALITY SERVICE to get paid or you're as shitty as the waitress you RIGHTFULLY tipped 10% because she was horrible! I've done BOTH. Right now, MOST strippers are the equivalent of the aforementioned entitled waitress who makes shit for tips and doesn't get many shifts. Both jobs require the same qualifications, with minor differences and it doesn't matter good the product is if the service sucks. WE ALL KNOW THIS but some are spoiled.

 *So... what are you going to do if you have NO job to go back to and there isn't a club anywhere near you, or NONE in the ENTIRE STATE? DON'T think for one minute you STILL HAVE A JOB.... Don't get mad because you don't like THE REALITY of the situation. Denial will not prolong the inevitable and you NEED a backup plan. Whatever you planned for your imminent retirement might be a place to start. DO NOT count on your club reopening but PREPARE FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!! You can't dance forever anyway. What if you get in an accident or just old and unable? Stop hating those who CARE enough to tell you the truth and don't sugar coat it. You know what you need to, your future is on you and it's time to work on that backup plan..

 ***** AGAIN, IF YOU'RE PISSED OFF AT ANY OF THIS, YOU NEED AN ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT; OR FIND ANOTHER CAREER YOU'LL ACTUALLY ENJOY!! Even if it pays LESS; we already covered the fact that obsession with money sets a tone that makes people NOT want to pay you. If you cannot accept that you ARE partly responsible, your job will always suck. That's true for ALL careers and I am NOT going to coddle anyone. You want to be a contractor AND get unemployment? Sorry.... That DOESN'T happen because NOBODY owes you shit unless you're an employee..

That's ALL on strippers to IMPROVE the industry, and NOT caring about anyone but YOU is the other reason your club is empty. STOP LYING TO YOURSELF AND STOP PUSHING AWAY THOSE TRYING TO HELP YOU! I spent TWO YEARS watching someone complain about this and that AND NEVER GOT OFF HER ENTITLED ASS. She didn't like the TRUTH and blocked me. She is about to HATE HERSELF because ALL her fears are coming true.

Do what you want but stop bitching if you can't bother to work on yourself!

 *I prefer my work NOT to be a joke. So... Thank you for disrespecting me and those TIRELESSLY trying to fix shit FOR YOU!! At some point you're gonna have to do your job RIGHT and stop blaming everyone else around you for YOUR shitty work ethic and lack of professionalism. "I miss dancing for the money"..


 *Take it or leave it, but don't act like you didn't know your club closing was a very real possibility. Even I have my limits;m I won't comfort people who were shitty to me for warning them. Good luck!


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