Club Etiquette pt.2- Stripper Rehab: Old School Rules

 *I remember ten years ago we still enthusiastically changed our outfits, had fun on stage and today's baby strippers have jaded and apathetic strippers as mentors or guides; which dancers in my generation hate to do. The ones I trained made more because I have always stuck by the etiquette I was taught and combined all of it makes men remember why they used to enjoy watching enthusiastic dancers perform with some passion and sensuality mixed in. Whenever it's safe to reopen clubs again, just try "old bitch" stripper etiquette for one month. Then compare your income from that month to previous months. I chose July 16th to Aug 16th for 6 girls to test. 2 used my MO & style, 2 did all the run of the mill moves we all use that guys have commented on; almost always it was "why does everybody dance the same?". The other 2 were asked not to tell me what they chose and had the third option of doing their own thing but not to keep it basic.

 *I made $7,859 from 07/!6 to 08/16. The 2 girls who used my method each made over $5,000 & made almost twice their usual amounts during good months. I taught them how to pull in at least $200 to $300 when seven customers have come in in 9 hours with ten girls there. The second two made just over $2,000 which was also what the first two typically pulled in. The last two girls chose my method mixed with the usual, meaning they didn't put too much effort into their appearances. One chose the "fuck today" outfit & hair but didn't act that way; she had fun. The other had her hair down and didn't wear make-up, but had a sexy new outfit on for each stage performance; and had guys believing they wanted to be there. The girl who wore the same outfit all day made about $4,000 and the other made the same amount as the first two.

 *I often skipped makeup and some days made more than when I'd do my makeup. I made a little less when my hair was up and aside from extremely bad days, my cash flow remained steady and made six figures seven times in 12 years, which is still possible. I learned how to make sure I always left with over $100 on the worst nights. It was absolutely my demeanor and effort, plus I carried myself like a "lady", for lack of a better word. Long story short, when I noticed everyone went blonde, which is my natural color: I had it colored in this gorgeous bright dark cherry red that somehow looked like gold in the sunlight. Worst decision ever! I just didn't want to be lost in a sea of blonde. Guys loved the red. I think it took 3 years or 4 to grow out because I like to keep my hair almost by my ass.

 *Etiquette, Ethics, Enthusiasm and EFFORT. All you need are those four Es.

1) Etiquette was already covered in the first part of this two part blog. Not to interrupt other girls during a dance or floor show on stage. Introduce yourself, ask them their names etc. Always be happy to meet them, you'll get a sense of money making potential within 3 to 5 minutes; over time you'll know upon saying hi whether or not to sit with them, and that is a skill that takes years or you won't get at all. ALWAYS ASK THEM open ended questions so they can't say just 'yes' or 'no'. Especially if you have anxiety. Learn what your main customer base is & then the type you attract. Always move around but focus on the ones that show interest in you but aren't trying to solicit you. Again, a "creep" vibe will be easy to feel and learned quickly. Learn to read micro-expressions because that's how you learn when they're interested vs just being nice.

 2) ETHICS: Don't think "morals and values", those are universal business ethics. In a club environment many are unaware that they need to have a much better work ethic, and effort does tie in. A strong work ethic means you take pride in your work and always work to better yourself. You become a more valuable asset when you focus on being there and ready on time, have fun with outfits no matter how many customers are in. Be energetic, you can take it easy and still be enthusiastic. Always be amazing on stage, because we seem to be missing the "entertainer" part. DO NOT SAY YOU AREN'T GOING TO DO SHIT IF THERE'S 1 GUY AND HE'S NOT TIPPING! That is the oldest and lamest excuse to slack off. Here's the thing;

  *2a) It has NEVER in the history of this profession been anyone else's job to BRING IN THE CUSTOMERS, THE BUSINESS. Remember: YOU are the sole reason and both sides are used to disappointment and killing time. Learning pole tricks should be the LAST thing you learn. You must be able to hold a conversation and how to ask the right questions to get them talking.

  *3)Guys like talking about themselves. You have to be able to feign interest in whatever they say & try not to think about the bill you're paying with the cash you'll make off him. That's almost always why they lose interest and shit goes south. DON'T make it known you just want money. THEY KNOW THAT PART!! I must say, I did masterful work that day and it was a situation that made everyone else mad and say, "Why her? I'm hotter... I'm younger..." DOESN'T MATTER BECAUSE HE DIDN'T APPRECIATE THE APPROACH!

Story: I was on stage and a decent looking guy was sitting at a table nearby, with a NOTICEABLE stack of 300 singles, and he threw a handful at me but didn't stay for a floor show. I obviously wanted my set to end before anyone else cleaned him out, but I watched a proverbial conveyor belt of every stripper in the building go up to him & walk away 10 seconds later; scowling and pouting. I got down and cleaned myself some. I had no makeup because it was a thousand degrees & my hair in a messy bun.

I walked over to the man and LOOKED HIM IN THE EYES, introduced myself and asked him the basics, never breaking eye contact. He asked me to sit then told me to take a thick stack of singles. I told him no and he can give me whatever he wants to, so he scooted the ENTIRE STACK of $300 in singles under my nose. Then he said, " I might as well just give it to you. i don't mean to offend your friends but you are the only one who introduced yourself and were friendly", to which I replied, "really?  2 of them are nice". He then said, "Doesn't matter because they looked at the stack of cash and just asked for a private dance, then got mad that I told them no thanks."

We talked for 3 hours and I made it rain on my girls and drizzle on the bitches, which they noticed.. Kinda the point. He told me to get a blanket because I was cold and DGAF if I was covered. He wanted me comfortable. After 3 hours he said, "alright let's do a few songs so these asses see you making money for them.." LMAO!! He did 15 VIPs & let me lie back for a half hour. I looked in his eyes as if I "felt a connection" and said whatever BS. He then handed me $1,000 for TALKING & bc he liked "hot brainy girls" and the $300 singles plus $300 for the VIPs, and the 20% they were gonna take, so I could keep what I deserve," His name was Bob and his monthly visits could have set me for the month.

He abruptly stopped and I knew his wife probably our texts. He liked me as a person and the "beauty" came next. He DGAF about dancing. He did that so I didn't get yelled at for sitting so long.. we never really danced. THAT was the usual type I attracted plus 4 absolute weirdos!! Had ANY of the girls he turned away made an effort, shown some enthusiasm and radiated positive energy; maybe he would have been interested in another; although he seemed to like how smart I was and said he never met any dancer like me. But then his wife probably too a bat to his phone and calling me a slut-face twat waffle crackhead stripper LOL!

Put effort into each performance on stage and switch it up a bit. That includes changing at least a few times a night.

Show the enthusiasm you KNOW is in you, because when you can't work it's all you want to do, Remember that... After a short time it'll become routine and you don't have to do pole tricks. Try making a sexy show of taking everything off. Nobody can figure out how my hips do what they do but you do what feels natural, and try not to get frustrated if something doesn't work for you. Feel the music coursing through you. practice your "I know you wanna fuck me" look and floor show moves at home by the mirror. Floor show is very awkward for many and the moves don't flow. Flow for floor show and fluid on the pole, which comes naturally with time.

This is old school etiquette.. You're A FANTASY GIRL so try to look and play the part. Veteran strippers hardly follow these unwritten rules..

My consistent effort WAS DEFINITELY noticed. I got tips for looking like I like my job {easy bc I DO love to dance FOR ME}. I close my eyes and feel my body. Sensuality, basic etiquette and your acting abilities will lead to twice as much as you're making now. It is definitely possible to squeeze a couple hundred dollars out of every guy when you stay on the floor while everyone else is taking selfies. I have NEVER been late to work, stage and called in sick twice a year or some shit.

When it comes to your boss, professionalism is key. Three owners/managers at 3 different places commented on my work ethic and one said he never met a dancer so professional and who is ALWAYS ready  waiting near the stage when a girl was on her last song. managers notice that shit and they will respect you because many don't take the job seriously.. they don't REALLY treat it like it's job. Right now it's like a chore to some. It doesn't have to be horrible. Baby strippers, there WILL be one veteran dancer to show you the ropes; ignore the bitches who forgot how annoying they were and misguided. I prefer to train and mentor; but don't expect the girls to like you because you WILL dance your way into the top 3 if you try the "OG" way. I certainly saw an influx in customers anytime a club got the reputation of having the "friendly" girls who TALK.

Let me know when your one month trial is over and if you came close to or did DOUBLE you usual income. Then keep at it, encourage the others by telling them they'll make more money. I hear strippers love that shit. bitches like money.



For the club to succeed YOU must be successful in bringing in business.. Go to a Baseball game donning a crop top with your club name/logo on it, cutoffs and Pleasers. REPRESENT UR COMPANY BECAUSE DANCERS ARE THE FRONT LINE; THE FACES of the club. Reputation must remain positive and strippers ARE the business. NOT ALL OF YOU but many make the dire mistake of NOT treating this like any other job. If you've only ever danced, then you're likely hit the hardest by change and chaos. We are definitely going to work on that. Rewire strippers' brains to quit thinking some of the disturbing shit WE ALL endure is part of our job. It is NOBODY'S job to appease and offer comfort to sex offenders. My point?

Baby strippers are going to STOP being conditioned to think assault is just part of the job, guys committing said assault ARE sex offenders who belong in jail and to FIGHT FOR THEMSELVES; THEIR RIGHTS, AUTONOMY, RESPECT and CLUB OWNERS OWE THEM for CONTROLLING THEIR FREEDOM & BODIES!

Give your boss an ultimatum! They can give you what YOU NEED because you WILL demand respect; or you walk. ALL OF YOU.. Let them figure it out. You need to REGAIN CONTROL of YOUR industry, and you will.


Solidarity always.

For more mentor options email me at


  1. Okay in your other blog you sais we'd be lucky to make $1,000/week. In this one you said you made $100,000 7x in 12 years which is$2,000/week. Which one is it?

  2. Everytime someone posts they banked w/o make-up, this tells baby strippers they can just stop investing in their look. Do we want a bunch of makeupless barefoot girls walking around? Remember, that's how they end up doing that even after they've aged. Or go to a club that's more well lit


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