Unions: Strippers Have the EDG- Most Workers Wish They Could Have Their Own

 *If you follow my blog, then you likely follow me on social media, namely Twitter; and you are probably aware of my thesis -based on years of extensive research and personal experience- about the sociological and psychological aspect of our industry. I've discovered what most would consider an obvious issue, on the surface, but the REAL problem isn't the fault of anyone but US!! Rather than blaming laws, shady club owners and whatever else we've all complained about for years; we all need to take a step back and remember this is OUR industry. We complain about the same things in a hole in the wall in Illinois as the big clubs in CA that everyone knows, but how many of us actually do something about it? I know ALL the excuses as I have used them all. My advice is to be proactive and never reactive. Case in point, California. Sometimes money needs to be a lower priority in order to move on. Is anyone doing anything besides Tweet and post on IG? I think we all know that never really works. Why?

 *How is your club running? Still labeling you a contractor, covertly implement the WORST aspects of hourly employment and somehow convinced every dancer ever that they're contractors simply because WE know it's the ONLY label that makes sense for us. So why are dancers in CA sealing their fate? By remaining complacent. Only YOU have the power to make the changes you want. Only you can change LAWS. I did an interview for a local newspaper and the story had such an impact that it was the number one story of 2019; most shared and talked about. It even ran in Europe. All I did was hire an attorney and sue. I spoke up and now others are as well. With every single lawsuit a change is made. Club owners know we're on to them and their antics. Cages have been rattled and our presence is known. My question is, WHY ARE YOU LETTING HOLLYWOOD DERAIL OUR COLLECTIVE PROGRESS?? One film perpetuating all that is wrong in our industry and suddenly that is all anyone can talk about, and for all the wrong reasons. It's hard to convey our civility when all everyone can do is argue about a movie. That statement alone says, "shallow, combative and uncivilized"; perhaps that was the point. Divide and conquer. We were making a lot of strides towards taking back our industry and at the helm of the labor movement. Those who REALLY want change have a legitimate labor union to help rebuild the industry and leave club owners with minimal control. Some good news for dancers wishing to remain contractors at work, you still can, because you can be your own employee; not the club's employee. How?

 *Get an LLC. Single owner and employee. ALL contractors should have an EIN (employee identification number) or tax ID; and that's required by the DOL, IRS-DOT. The reason most don't have one is because they don't know. Most still don't even understand WHY/HOW they're employees, and I can't make it anymore clear. The International Entertainment Adult Union- IEAU has two sub-chapters, one of which is FOR STRIPPERS/BY STRIPPERS; the Exotic Dancer Guild (follow them on Twitter). The EDG offers LLC memberships to contracted dancers so they can have union benefits, by being self-employed, essentially be a one person company. Most club owners have an LLC, tell you you're a contractor and therefore have ZERO accountability, then break every labor law to EVADE TAXES! They use US to commit crimes every single day and we let them. Union workers ARE PROTECTED FROM THESE ISSUES! Strippers literally have what they need to get their lives back and aren't taking advantage. I think I found the problem...

 *You don't actually understand the way unions function as you've likely never thought you'd have one, or MORE likely, you're privy to how much we (unions/union officers) are villainized. Take it up with the US Dept. of Labor, because they make the rules, stipulate HOW unions funtion and what type of protection we may offer to employees. You do NOT have to be employed by the club to reap union benefits, you just need to be an employee. Hence the LLC program, which has been implemented so contracted dancers are self-employed workers, and our initial membership fee is the highest you'll pay. Let's clear a few things up about unions, specifically the IEAU-EDG.
 1) Membership fees pay for everything from healthcare to legal representation to retirement; you're paying s small price to ensure job security and stability. 
 2) We are like EVERY OTHER UNION. There CAN'T be actors in a dancer union, because they're not exotic dancers. EDG- EXOTIC DANCERS ONLY! Kind of like plumbers only have ONE main union, with several chapters all over the place. There aren't thousands of plumbers unions. Just ONE union. All plumbers. THE IEAU IS NO DIFFERENT.
 3) We are only as strong as our members. There's power in numbers. The more dancers that sign up, the more  powerful we ALL are AS ONE.

 *So the next time you feel hopeless, helpless or think nothing can change, remember that ONLY YOU HAVE THE POWER TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE! Unions don't work like businesses. We're only able to help those who ask, sign up and make changes. I'm a retired dancer, IEAU officer (CCO) and I work with lawmakers regularly to make changes. If the US Department of Labor recognizes stripping as a REAL job, what else is there to hold you back?



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