Progress Happens Slowly: The Chaos Theory

 *Everyone is familiar with the phrase "butterfly effect"; famously metaphoric of how chaos ensues in life. With just one flap of the wing of a butterfly will eventually create a tornado. One TINY deviation from a plan or progress and the results could end in total destruction. In this case, an already dying industry is at stake..

 *There are three sides to every argument, but only one is the truth or valid; however, three different realities start to blur lines for everyone. No two people share the same reality. We do, however, all live on the same planet. Dancers, strippers, pole artist, etc. whatever term YOU PREFER FOR YOURSELF; we all do the same job, have the same problems and the only trait that separates ANYONE at ANY job are ethics. Integrity. You STILL represent the company and set the precedent for all those who come after you, and the reputation of YOUR business. Whatever your club is "known for" isn't necessarily anything the owner does or even knows about.

 *As someone who has a different set of rules and laws to follow, my OPINION is irrelevant.. FACTS MATTER! As of right now, clubs aren't safe to begin with. Before trying to fight to allow for more than dancing to be LEGAL; MAKE IT A SAFE ENVIRONMENT FIRST! Business owners notoriously jump over dollars to get to pennies. That's where we're at.. Fuck the pennies! They add up. Not ensuring your safety will only lead to chaos.

 *For those paying attention to industry news, it's become more and more evident that the entire adult entertainment world is hanging by a thread, in some ways; and in other ways have made many strides. Like form a LEGITIMATE union that the Department of Labor recognizes as the ONLY adult entertainment union. International Entertainment Adult Union. With the subunion for dancers called the Exotic Dancer Guild.

 *Shannon Liss-Riordan, "corporate America's worst nightmare" and STAUNCH supporter of dancers rights is running for SENATE; IN PART TO HELP STRIPPERS! That's not good enough.. "I hope she speaks for all sex workers".. Yes, because THAT'S a guaranteed way to get a first time politician into congress, whose platform has a very controversial subject; dancers' labor rights. In an industry rife with abuse, sexual assault and emotional abuse, you want less security?! BABY STEPS!! First, we still need to convince Congress we have rights, and the DOL says we do. Don't ruin all these people's progress by making them represent concepts or actions the LAW STILL MANDATES THEY UPHOLD/CONDEMN!

 *The only time real change is made is SLOWLY and with some thought put into it. All the screaming and yelling has never made anyone take anyone else seriously. Do you enjoy people talking AT you? Yelling? Belittling your hard work? Didn't think so. Step back! Slow down! RELAX!!! YOUR WISHES WILL COME TRUE IF YOU ACTUALLY WORK; NOT COMPLAINING AND DOING NOTHING BUT MAKE NOISE!



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