WE DON'T WANT YOUR MAN, SO RELAX: The Five Basic Types of Girls Who Visit Strip Clubs
I've often asked many women which they would rather have; would they rather have him go to the strip club or a regular bar, with the "boys"? Most women immediately choose the latter.. Here's the thing, his chances of finding a girl to sleep with are GREATER at any average bar than they are at the strip club. Ladies, we're there to get paid to give him blue balls; after that, he's all yours, and we've already forgotten his name. The only thing we want that's in his pants is his wallet! That brings us to girl 1, the most common, and most obnoxiously frustrating female.. 1) "The Babysitter" This is the girl who comes in with her man so she can watch him and make sure he "behaves". Typically this girl is like stripper repellent because we don't want that drama and it's not like she'll "allow" her man to spend any money.. Sometimes if I'm feeling bitchy and a girl's snarl is annoying enough, I WILL go ov...