Five of Our Most Damaging Problems: Arguing Won't Get You Anywhere.

 *If you're on social media as a stripper then you're probably familiar with each of these common problems only WE can really put a stop to, because our communication SUCKS! Let's not mince words and jump in..

 *1) Strippers vs Dancers: To strippers, you should wear your title with a bagde of honor; which you do. Not EVERYONE can accept themselves by calling themselves a name that WAS once offensive.. ALL VETS HAVE SAID "I'M A DANCER.. NOT A STRIPPER"! And you know it.. Now thanks to "pole dancers" who only take classes and don't work in clubs, we have the "yesastripper" hashtag. DON'T SHAME STRIPPERS BECAUSE YOU HAVEN'T EARNED THE RIGHT!! Call yourself whatever YOU WANT, but don't put down your coworkers. AT WORK YOU'RE ALL DOING THE SAME JOB!! Let it go. "Dancers" please stop shaming proud strippers because you're ashamed of yourself.

 *2) "Whorephobia": This term makes me angry.. A phobia, by definition, means you have an irrational/deathly fear of something. NOBODY IS AFRAID OF OTHER SWs!!! Strippers are ASKING everyone to stick to their jobs and not do things that put EVERYONE, INCLUDING YOUR CLUB, IN JEOPARDY!! IDGAF what anyone does IN THEIR OWN TIME! At the club you dance, perform, hustle and DON'T fuck! RESPECT THEM AND MEET YOUR JOHNS ELSEWHERE!

 *3) Whorearchy... STOP MAKING UP WORDS BECAUSE YOU WANT TO BE OFFENDED!! STRIPPERS ARE DOING THEIR JOBS!!! Extras are NOT IN A STRIPPER'S JOB DESCRIPTION! Arguments 1 and 2 are FUTILE!! NOBODY WILL EVER AGREE! We were standing together not 2 weeks ago.. Now all I see are strippers feuding. WE'RE TRYING TO PROVE WE AREN'T CLASSLESS AND UNEDUCATED!! So can we stop?! IT'S NOT HELPING YOU AT ALL!!

 *4) Assault in clubs has RISEN with the desperation that came from clubs dying. Dancers doing "extras" make these assholes think we ALL want to do shit. Perpetuating rape culture is NOT cool! So.. Please PLEASE RESPECT YOUR BOSS AND COWORKERS, AND KEEP GUYS HANDS OUT OF YOUR PANTIES! There are TRAUMA survivors who should be able to feel SAFE!! YOU'RE CREATING AN UNSAFE AND HOSTILE ENVIRONMENT! NOT ONLY FOR YOURSELF, BUT EVERYONE AROUND YOU! Got it? Good

 *5) You stopped TRYING! Whether there are 2 guys or 200 YOU GIVE YOUR ALL!! Laziness and dancers sitting in back are cuatomers' 2 TOP complaints! Followed by girls who don't say hi and just walk up asking for a dance. Put some EFFORT in! Clubs where girls change between stage sets and TALK are doing better than clubs with miserable dancers who never smile.. Get a hustle! If you hate it THAT much, then you've got to get out AND NO EXCUSES!! YOU CAN IF YOU TRY!!

 *Respect your business. Respect your boss. Respect your fellow strippers. STOP doing MORE THAN YOUR JOB and please start HEARING EACH OTHER! 💜


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