What Exactly is a "Hustle"?

I was part of a discussion recently in which a girl asked a very simple question, but nobody could give a clear and concise answer; partly because there isn't one. You can define the word in a few different ways, but let's stick to the "stripper hustle" for now. We all have our own. Some whisper sweet nothings in guys' ears. Some are sensual and use their sexuality. Some simply act like themselves.. I love making people laugh. I use sensuality and sexuality on stage, conduct myself as the lady I am, and use my brain/sense of humor when speaking to customers. No stripper reveals their hustle; I only gave a small idea of mine, only to use as an example.

When it comes down to it, everyone has their own style, dances in their own way, has a unique floor show, and of course their own hustle. What they do to make money and how they talk guys into getting private dances. You can't just grind on their crotch and shove tits in their faces, and expect them to be "primed" and ready to go. Take it slowly. Talk a little. If you have no interest in what he's talking about, fake it. Fake it like the many orgasms you never had. Never expect them to jump up and go for dances..

Enter the infamous hustle. As I stated before, every girl has their own ways of doing this job. It's a fine line between being a fantasy and pretending you'll date them. You're not working for a dating service, you're a stripper, and you sell fantasies. That's it! If a guy likes you and wants to dance with you, but he likes to talk dirty, what should you do? Play along. Pretend. You know, the same way you pretend to like your own man.. Except without the sex and drama.

"But I suck at flirting!".. Yup! So do I! I have no idea how to flirt. So I don't. That's the next lesson, don't take it so much that it's obvious. You will know whom you will connect with within just 3-5 minutes of meeting them. Don't do anything that makes you uncomfortable but don't assume every guy with a dirty fantasy will freak you out. Some of the sweetest men I've danced with had some of the dirtiest fantasies, and they never acted on them. I played along. "You like being dominant, don't you? Pull my hair baby.. I like that". I've told an engineer that it's not at all weird that he makes his sex robots "fuck" each other and that I want to hear what he makes them do.. Yuck! But, hello $300!

I highly advise against promising them dates and what not because you want their money, but have no plans on following through. That regular will be gone in the blink of an eye once he knows you're playing him; which is kinda redundant. Our job is to play men.. Anyway, a hustle is what you do to make money and how you go about it. You can't copy anyone else because really, none of us have a clue what the others do, though some will say they do. It's okay to watch other girls and ask for advice; just don't ever expect a girl to give up her hustle. That's like endorsing half your paycheck back to the bank or giving away money.

I'm not saying it's all lies and bullshit. I'm pretty much just me, with a fake name. I use my brain, body, and sense of humor. I guess some might say this is bad, but I feel wrong blatantly lying, and possibly backing myself in a corner I can't get out of. I've watched it happen to many girls. So don't pretend you'll date them. Don't make them believe you're in love with them. Do make them feel special; as if you're the only two people in the room. Whatever your hustle is make sure nobody gets hurt. 💖


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