I May Be Nude, But Don't Disrespect My Body!

There are multitudes of stigmas surrounding stripping including the fact that people think we don't respect ourselves. We get nude in front of crowds. We put ourselves out there. We should "expect" to be disrespected, have our boundaries pushed, and being sexually assaulted. Stop that! Stop thinking what you're thinking RIGHT NOW! "But are they wrong?" Yes. The answer to that is, always has been, and always will be "YES"!!

1) "You're getting naked for strange men and you don't expect to be touched?"

You're damn right I expect not to be touched! The basic decorum and laws of society don't stay at the door. They very much apply within. You wouldn't get away with grabbing a random woman's pu$$y out on the street, so don't do it to strippers; it's NOT okay and it IS absolutely considered sexual assault. Just. Don't. Do. It! 

**If any sort of contact is allowed it's still illegal {and immoral} to go anywhere near THAT area. Also, please realize that IF for some reason a girl does consent, it's still ILLEGAL, and can result in jail time.**


Ladiessss... Why do you come into clubs and proceed to molest other women, when you don't want to be molested, OR you know how violated it makes a woman feel? STOP THINKING IT'S OKAY TO TOUCH/LICK/GROPE STRIPPERS JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE BOTH WOMEN!!! Seriously, I won't sugar-coat this; it's absolutely disgusting and vile behavior! 

Do I really need to point out how disgusted women are by men violating their bodies? Assaulting them?! Molesting them? I sure hope I don't have to point out the sad irony and blatant hypocrisy in that behavior! Please don't do to us what you don't want men doing to you. It's quite simple and should have gone without saying; but I digress.


3) *STRIPPER LADIES* This one is for you! Please don't touch other strippers' tits/pu$$y/ass (etc) without making sure it's okay first. I get that we're all strippers, but we all complain about female customers grabbing us, so I think it's fair to say we should expect/extend that courtesy from/to one another. Consent! Get/give consent. There are women who don't enjoy this and they need to be respected. 

4) Guys... Why do you ruin a perfectly good lap dance by pulling out your dicks? Why??! 

You pull it out and then get angry at the stripper's annoyed/pissed off reaction. How did you think it was going to go? What woman has ever enjoyed having some random guy expose himself to her? Especially now, when all these women are coming out about celebrity men who've done just that? Don't be disgusting. Don't be that guy! The guy who gives other men a bad name. 

Also, if you've crossed that line the dance will end and you ARE expected to pay! The only thing more vile than whipping out your dick is refusing to pay because the dance ended early. The least you can do after being a disrespectful asshole is pay the girl her much deserved $20! You should probably give her $50 for her trouble; and no, that changes NOTHING! It's not okay no matter how much you pay her. Don't expect a positive reaction. Don't get mad when she ends the dance. Please pay her! 

Once again, this behavior has consequences. You could get slapped. A bouncer will likely kick you out and you could get banned. Police could arrest you and forever tarnish your name by making you register as a sex offender. Those should NEVER be reasons not to do it. You should just stop being nasty and stop acting like "men can't control themselves". That makes men sound awfully weak.

5) "You're a stripper.. you're basically asking for it!"

No. Woman. Ever. Asks. To. Be. Raped. Or. Molested!! 

It doesn't matter where you're at, what a woman is wearing, what a woman is doing, or any other time/place; RAPE IS RAPE, AND IT'S NEVER EXCUSABLE! What a woman does for a living shouldn't make her anymore "deserving" of sexual violence! Stop victim blaming! Whether she's drunk, wearing a skirt, or naked SHE'S NOT ASKING FOR IT!

These things should all go without saying. People shouldn't have to be told how to act like civilized human beings. But when it comes to any kind of sex worker {strippers, porn stars, cam girls, escorts, etc.} people assume we don't respect ourselves and we, in turn, deserve to be disrespected. Both of those notions are false! We're humans, too. We deserve the same respect and regard as any other human being. 💜


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