Hindsight is 20/20

  Since age 22 have been in the adult industry in some form or another. Mostly dancing with some bartending thrown in there. 14 years later I am 2 years into retirement, and then I was featured in a story that rocked not only the adult entertainment industry, but major news outlets from east to west coast and Europe ran the story; it was OUR story. The story strippers around the world have been trying to tell the rest of the world  and nobody ever really listened. People hate labor unions, but I used my status as a legitimate DOL recognized union officer and my pull to get the story out in a way anyone who can read at a fifth grade level can comprehend. People still reach out to me from time to time, but our time is over thanks to COVID and mom n pop owned clubs are belly up. Unless some evil corporation picks them all up, our industry is in pretty piss poor shape. The economic stimulus packages equal out to a weekend night's worth of cash when the club is bumpin'. What the hell is my point?

  You remember the first time someone told you "we're all in it for ourselves. friends don't exist in this industry. nobody is going to help you", remember how it almost hurt a little? Remember when you took the advice and passed it on, forgetting how terrible you felt before someone slapped all the hope out of you? How's that working out for you? Because the answers were very CLEARLY spelled out in a story in the business section of the Quad City Times on June 15th of 2019. Things everyone still complains about... You have everything you ever needed to help you with ANYTHING relating to this career all in one thousand word newspaper article. Google it... 

  Never standing together, taking care of YOU as a person but not your future after the industry, that we all know has an expiration date; it varies from person to person, the end is the end and you- like me- may not see it coming. One minute you're planning your work week and investing in your kids' future, the next minute you're retired and my story is almost too insane to even sound real. Let's not talk about that, shall we? We are all sisters, we say we are, but you never truly took care of your sisters. How do I know? By the sheer amount of us who are drowning. Those who need others are left out in the cold whilst the remainder continue to complain about the lack of support within the industry, when they themselves are part of the support system, problem and solution. The general resolution for 2021? Start ACTUALLY acting like sisters and banding together, or you will not only lose what LITTLE control you have in this industry, to possibly none at all. If your future lies in a club, get up and start working. Don't try. Just do it! I did..

  Or so everyone says. Yes, it's all going splendidly well. Happy New Year, bitches!


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