
Showing posts from January, 2020

Mislabeling: It's Far From a Victimless Crime.

 *Everyone is well aware of the epic contractor vs. employee debate, who falls under what category - mislabeled or not- and which occupations SHOULD fall under one category or another, because it makes sense!  That's where strippers are at right now.. Those who've woken up and realized they can have cake but if they wanna eat it too, they're going to have to change union laws set by the US Dept. Of Labor & Nat. Labor Relations Board. In other words, IF YOU DON'T WANT TO BE AN EMPLOYEE, DO WHATEVER YOU CAN TO MAKE YOUR CLUB OWNER GO LEGIT! Otherwise, keep putting your future in the hands of people who've never danced and aren't going to listen to you; even though they NEED TO!!  *Dancers ARE in a class all their own, meaning the job is incomparable to any other; though business patterns do mimic the service and hospitality industry, as the majority of clubs are also bars. BYOB clubs are in fact bars and DO require a liquor license to allow alcohol consumpti...


WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT UNIONIZING; IT IS NOT WHAT YOU THINK IT IS, AND THE CONFUSION IS BECOMING A PROBLEM FOR YOU! 1) Legitimate unions that may legally perform duties mandated by the US Dept. of Labor must be federally approved and recognized by the DOL, prior to accepting members. Membership of ANY union requires you to be a legal employee. 2) Once a union becomes federally recognized by the DOL & IRS, such as the International Entertainment Adult Union, that becomes the ONLY union that will ever be available for any one occupation; in this case, adult performers. *** PERHAPS THIS WILL HELP*** When you drive past a building with "Local Union 23, Plumbers and Pipefitters" plastered on the side ( real life example of a chapter located in Rock Island, IL), said union is a SMALL chapter of the ONE union the DOL recognizes for plumbers; any other group is simply an advocacy group and NOT  a true union.*** 3) Private sector unions are regulated by the National Lab...