
Showing posts from August, 2019


This is the local newspaper and they wanted to interview me and ask why I did what I did. The story she got wasn't what she expected. She said it inspired her. This is every stripper's fight. It's OUR story; and it's only just begun. Those of us working around the clock to come up with a solution to fix a very broken industry won't give up! Dancers will be autonomous once more! Enjoy...

And Then We Have Men Who Totally Get It!

Since there are so many men who are awful to us, I'd like to share the blog by a local photographer, whom I met at my old club and we've spoken a few times. His name is Curtis Isom and he does erotic photo shoots. He's on our side and what's happening really does piss a few men off. Not all hope is lost.. Excellent blog! You must read it.

A Losing Battle: Strippers Left in the Dark

  By now everyone knows about the 2018 CA ruling on Dynamex and how it affected strippers. The insulting $300 settlement granted to all the DejaVu dancers around the country. There are about 170 franchises, employing an estimated 5,500 dsncers, give or take. So a $1.5 million settlement was really garbage. The news made it seem as if a few dancers were awarded that amount and it triggered some dancers who, unbeknownst to them, got just as screwed as all the DejaVu girls, and the results varied.   In fact, two dancers decided to take on their club head on- they wished to remain anonymous and went by the alias' "Jane Roe" #1 and #2 (public records can be found on any court docket site, or Google "Shannon Liss-Riordan sues San Francisco club"); and her firm will take dancer cases from dancers all over America. How is this new news? It isn't. It's a recap so this next HIGHLY IMPORTANT information that might help cushion the blow from the aftermath, and s...