Basic Stripper Etiquette- Part 1- Ladies

"I'm going to become a stripper and get paid to party! Yay!!" said almost every freshly turned 18 year old stripper ever! The disappointment behind the fallacy that is the very core of a stigma, for some, is nothing short of shocking. Am I saying that stripping is NOT a party, nor an excuse to act like a fool, and it's definitely not "easy money". Regardless of that, there is ONE part of this industry that has become highly overlooked, to the point of being nearly obsolete; strip club etiquette. Yes, that is definitely a "thing", and it doesn't only apply to customers. A consistent and proper etiquette should be everyone's number one concern, because a club's entire exiatence depends on it. That said...

Ladies, we ARE this industry. WE make or break a club's reputation. Without us there would be no clubs! The industry isn't dying solely due to the economy, or internet porn, cam girls, etc.; it's also dying because the "old school" rules have been forgotten by all but those of us who've danced for more than a decade, and many of us have retired. I feel inclined to educate the new generation of strippers on how to keep this industry what it is; entertainment and fantasy. I don't see performers or girls exuding sensuality any longer. All I see are mostly awkward pole tricks and was too much pussy. Don't get me wrong, I love women, but I don't love the way they carry themselves nowadays. It's trashy, unattractive, and for lack of a better term, gross!!

The way you act, the way you carry yourself, and most importantly, the way you treat everyone reflects not only on you, but the entire club; even management and owners. I work at a club where the owners are very meticulous about keeping "trash" out and upholding the number one reputation in town. My hole in the wall? Yup! Why? Because someone, a lot of times I, always teach "baby strippers" how to act. When club owners write rules they often forget to include proper decorum, or the proper term, "club etiquette". Ladies, here's your official list of dos and don'ts (GUYS... I'M COMING FOR YOU NEXT. YOU'RE NOT OFF THE HOOK!)

Proper Etiquette for Ladies:

1) Act in a manner that actually makes you worthy of being called a "lady". I'm no lady, but Sadie is! It doesn't make you snooty, bitchy, or uptight to act like a respectable woman! Especially when you complain all day that nobody respects you. Sometimes you need to stop and check yourself because your behavior may just be affecting your money; which affects your mood, and so the downward spiral continues.

2) When one of your sisters is working hard on stage and you're sitting with a guy, there are a few things you should and should NEVER do.
*2:A) Never interrupt a girl's floor show. Meaning, if a guy has money up for her and she's giving him a little attention, don't sit on his lap. That's not only rude but also tacky! In other words.. You're an asshole. Especially when you know how hard that girl is working for one lousy dollar. Don't be a bitch.

*2:B) If a guy at the stage wants a private dance and you take him, LEAVE SOME MONEY FOR THE GIRL ON STAGE!! I tip using my own money and ask the guy to tip as well. Don't leave just a single dollar, either. Be a little respectful and at least make sure she gets $1 for each song she has to be on stage for. If she's dancing to four songs, regardless of whether or not she's almost done or just started, then you leave $4. If you bitch about other girls doing it to you then don't be a hypocrite. Even if you don't care; be a proper fucking dancer, and leave money for the girl. You just took someone from whom she would have most likely gotten tips. It is NOT rude to take a guy from the stage. It is rude not to leave money for the girl killling herself to make a few dollars. Be a team player. Nobody likes a selfish bitch and rudeness doesn't fly with most of us.

*2:C) If a guy has money up for the girl on stage, do NOT offer a table dance, sit on his lap, or ask for a private dance. Unless he asks you, you may sit down in the chair next to him, and wait for the girl on stage to do her floor routine and collect her tip. Then you may proceed to attack the poor guy like the vultures that we are. At that point the guy is fair game and nobody can say anything shitty to or about you, because you've done nothing to disrespect the other dancer. If she has a problem with you, that's her issue, not yours. You're only doing your job. So let the snide remarks roll off your shoulder if you did everything they way a proper dancer should. Let the bitch throw a fit. Let her talk shit.. Don't allow one shitty person to affect the way you carry yourself. Some guys might like the idea of two girls fighting, but most find it trashy, and it's part of the stigma we desperately need to change; the idea that we are "trashy".

3) Don't get sloppy. Don't get so drunk or high that you can't do your job! Again, that makes us all look like "trashy whores", as some have so eloquently worded it. That's just pure ignorance and a whole different blog subject.. So, when guys offer to buy you a drink just keep in mind your limits, and don't get so drunk that you're incoherent and stumbling around like a toddler taking her first steps. It's not cute when you're an adult. It really isn't. It is okay to decline. I do it all the time, but I also don't drink. It is okay to say, "Thank you, but I think I've had enough". If they get upset, do you really even want to deal with them? I'll answer for you. No. No, you do not.

4) Don't brag about money.. This should have been number one and I'll explain why. It's really quite simple; you're rude and an asshole. Someone in the room is holding back their tears or just had to take a Xanax to dodge a panic attack, because of financial problems; and here you are waving your Benjamins around like you have something to prove. I've literally worked with a girl who committed suicide due to that very scenario. She was about to lose her home, her car, etc. and had to deal with a few girls who never shut the fuck up about how much money they made. I'm not even going to candy coat this. The other girl slit her wrist and bled out in a bathtub, after swallowing an entire bottle of Xanax. It was the saddest thing I've ever witnessed. She left behind a huaband and four children under the age of six!! Moral of the story, SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT YOUR MONEY!! Most of us couldn't care less and others end up feeling like shit. Like they're not good enough, something is "wrong" with them, or worse, they quit thinking they're not cut out for the job; when really, you're just a huge bitch with really LOW self esteem. If your self worth is based on how much money you make, guess what? It's YOU who isn't made for the job. Your self worth should be what drives you to make money, not the other way around.
*Psych: 101.. You have self-esteem issues and waving around your money to make others feel bad makes it blatantly obvious that you have ZERO self worth; because if it weren't for that money, you'd have absolutely nothing to brag about. That's sad. Don't be that girl. It's tacky and obnoxious. Nobody is jealous of you. You're silly if you think we all base our worth on what we make. I've made $20 and I loved myself the same way I love myself when I make $500; because my self worth is based on WHO I AM! Decorum..... It all circles back to the subject of proper etiquette, darlings.

5) Don't be rude to customers. Yes, we keep this business alive, but only as long as we can keep customers around. So here's a list of things the majority of men find unattractive and off-putting.

*5:A) Talking shit about other girls. Some guys like drama as much as some girls do, but generally they just think it's obnoxious, and they aren't attracted to jealous females; they've already got one at home!

*5:B) Sloppy drunk and/or girls on hard drugs. I was a coke addict and have been clean for over a decade. When you're sober and watch how people act on your old drug of choice, you instantly feel ashamed and ask yourself, "I never looked that stupid/did that/talked like that, did I". Yes. The answer is yes, you did/do look/sound like a fucking idiot! You wanna know why one dude looked at you like you're insane and you haven't made any money? Because you're not at all attractive! You could be the hottest bitch in the club (no such thing) and that behavior will make guys dicks retreat! Forget going limp, they're hiding! If you can't hold your liquor, don't drink.

5:C) If you start breaking rules when you drink or do drugs, then please, for the love of the stripper gods, STAY SOBER AT WORK!! As hard as it is to believe, some guys don't like aggressive women, and they can feel JUST AS VIOLATED as you do at times; again, another blog, another time.. We've already gone over what "extras" have done to this industry. We need not reiterate that! Drugs make everyone look stupid. Smoke some fucking pot and chill TF out! No guy likes a sloppy drunk stripper or someone sniffling and snorting in his ears. Yuck! Seriously? Again, act like a fucking lady! This is probably one of the most irritating issues aside from taking guys from the stage and not leaving some money. I can't decide which I hate more. I'll get back to you on that..

6) Don't break rules because you're desperate for money. For more details on that, please refer to my blog about girls who do extras. It's sort of self explanatory given that rules exist for a reason. Don't jeopardize your safety. Don't jeopardize other girls' safety. Greed won't get you far, neither will desperation, nor stealing. I think this point is pretty idiot proof... I hope.

7) Don't go into a new club with a shitty attitude and definitely not a pretentious attitude! Both will make house girls push you out, and we always do, without fail. Girls who come in acting like they're God's gift to the club and says stupid shit like, "When I do....... When I get....... I'm gonna take all you bitches' money!", consider yourself unemployed. No house girl puts up with that bullshit and we will always force you out. Again, my club has the BEST reputation out of all the clubs, and there's a very good reason for that. We don't play that shit! Drama queen? Bye! Thief? Bye! Pompous bitch? Bye! Dirty bitch? Buh bye!!!!! When you're new in a club you're like a gazelle surrounded by lions. Completely vulnerable and will be torn to shreds should your fucked up attitude piss off the house girls. Like it or not, house girls rule the roost. Some will make sure you never make money, others will ignore you, but you probably won't even be there long enough to find out; you've already been iced out and "exiled" by the bitches you should be kissing ass to! I'm not going to sugar coat shit. This is the industry. You need a cast iron stomach. You either got it or you don't; and the "dancing" part has NOTHING to do with your success. So don't focus so much on that pole trick you can't seem to get right; focus on the attitude you need to get right.

8) Basic courtesy that seems to be lost on most people..

*8:A) Greet every single customer with a smile. Unfriendly girls automatically fuck up the whole club.

*8:B) Introduce yourself and ask the guys what their names are. At least pretend to give half a shit; that's kind of your job, to act!

*8:C) Thank them for every lousy $1 bill as if it were a $100 bill! Enthusiasm for the job is crucial to your success in this industry.

*8:D) Don't ask "yes or no" questions; ask open ended questions that force them to speak. They might ask but they don't give a shit about what you have to say. People love to talk about themselves. So unless he's leading the conversation, which is a death sentence BTW, don't talk about yourself. Make him talk about his sad life and act like you're empathetic to whatever TF he's talking about. "Your wife died? Oh I'm so sorry to hear that. How long were you married for? I can't imagine such a loss."... There's a 20 minute diatribe that will end up in a dance; but you need to look him in the eyes and be sympathetic. I've had to listen to all sorts of nasty ass medical issues to get to VIP; pay your dues or you won't get paid. Treat EVERYONE the same...

*8:E) Allow me to elaborate on that last statement. By "treat everyone the same" I mean give the SAME smile, courtesy, table dance, etc. to every single guy; whether he smells like he hasn't showered in a week, is wearing a Rolex, he's some race that you're not, is not known for spending a lot of money, etc. I don't care! Treat them ALL with the same respect and fucking grit your teeth, grin, and bear it! Why? Because they watch us. And they see when girls hang all over the dude with 200 singles on his table; which by the way, is just bait! That guy is probably the cheapest asshole in the club OR it's a test. A test I passed with flying colors, but that's another story for another day. The smelly guy in the corner came in with $300 to spend and not one girls went to him, because he forgot to wear deodorant, and he looks "poor". Dude is a millionaire and you walked past him for a cheap ass flashing singles. The guy with money now believes this club is full of stuck up bitches and takes his money elsewhere. He's never coming back.
***To break it down even more:
Had someone smiled and acknowledged his existence, he might have told 10 of his buddies how awesome that club is, and you, so they come in. They're so impressed that all 10 of them tell 10 of their respective friends. YOU have the power to bring in and chase out ONE HUNDRED customers or potential customers because you were too "good" to say hi to the dumpy looking guy in the corner. It's the butterfly effect.. And you control it. Most girls fuck up because they're nicer to some than others. Treat everyone the same!! You don't have to sit with them all forever; some people are impossible to talk to. I get it. Treat them all the same! I hope that sunk in. It is HIGHLY important to not only you, but again, the whole club.*** Do you want that on your conscience? That your preconceived notion could cost the club 100 new customers? 100 new people to pay YOUR bills? Because let's face is, they do. So don't be a bitch. You want their money. It's THEIR CHOICE as to whether or not they want to give it to you, so again, treat everyone the same! Make sense??

9) Don't ever interrupt a girl when she is talking to a guy or dancing for him. Ever! Unless a manager or bouncer sends you over, don't do it. That is tacky, rude, and it won't get you any positive recognition from the man whom you've just interrupted. Trust me, he won't be dancing with you after you've been rude to him.

10) Don't argue with managers, DJs, etc. in front of customers. You're embarrassing yourself, and once again, making the club look shitty. If you want more business then you need to play your part in upholding a club's good reputation; because it only takes one person to fuck everything up. It's not cute. It does NOT make you a "grown ass woman" that can go around treating people like shit! That makes you more sophomoric than mature. It also makes the guys look bad. Some customers think shit like, "Damn.. That moron can't even keep these bitches in check"... Well, that isn't the bouncer's job. His job is to PROTECT you, not be your punching bag, and certainly isn't there to be disrespected nor disrespectful. It's not that he "can't keep bitches in check", because then HE is the disrespectful one. The ONLY person responsible for your behavior and how people perceive you is YOU! Guys are stupid (no offense) and they have no clue what the hell our job entails, what we have to do, how hard we have to work, etc. All they know is they came in to see friendly girls who happily take their clothes off to music. Not angry bitches. Not drama queens. Ladies!!! You can absolutely be a stripper and still have self respect; it's all in how you carry yourself.

11) Be professional. "Yes sir. No sir. Thank you"... It isn't rocket science and yet, my 9 year old is more polite than most adults. Anyone from my generation and before was taught to respect everyone; especially your elders and superiors. That does NOT go out the window just because you're a stripper.. Quite the contrary. You will get a lot farther with everyone, and life in general, if you act with some sort of class, dignity, and professionalism. Don't act entitled. The bouncers don't have to do anything they don't want to beyond their job description. Respecting them and being professional, as you would at ANY job, is how you GET respect. It is earned, not given; but in our industry, it's an important part of our job.

We are the FACES of our clubs. Without us they wouldn't exist because you need girls in order to run a successful strip club; at least that's been my understanding all these years. Don't make your establishment, your boss, and coworkers look bad because you don't know how to act. Our official title used to be "entertainers"; not bitches, hoes, or stuck up twats! The art has already been lost on most. Few of us still have routines and put on an actual show; a true performance is an art. Your art. Are you an artist or do you wish you could be? Because that makes all the difference.. Do you want to be successful? Then you've gotta be whomever the hell the dude you're sitting with wants you to be. Stage names are not just for our safety but they allow us to be someone different and take on a different persona. You can be as real or as fake as you want, but don't ever make your club, or the rest of us look bad. Dancers already have a mile long list of stigmas to break; we don't need anyone making them worse. Least of all the ladies. We are the ONLY ones who can "fix" this industry; but we can't do it unless proper club decorum makes a comeback and "stripper etiquette" is used again. A lack thereof is part of what's killing our industry. We have a huge advantage over other sex workers; i.e cam girls, porn models, etc. We have ACTUAL bodily contact with our customers. Something cam girls and models will never be able to give; but they're killing us because there are so few of us left who know what this industry is, always has been, and is supposed to be. Entertainment. We have ruined a legitimate form of art by being a bunch of conniving, greedy, and rude bitches. A little off topic, but pole dancing (a form thereof) originated in China and was done by men, not women. It was considered a form of art, like all dance, gymnastics, acrobatics, etc; now it's just become depressing. Take some pride in your work. The industry is dying because you're allowing it to. You wanna keep dancing? Fix your attitude and the way you work. Fix your work ethic... GET a work ethic! It's pretty simple, or maybe it's not. Seems to be pretty difficult for girls to wrap their heads around. Why do you think only SMART women make it as career dancers? Hmmmmm? Makes you think...

These rules are pretty basic. Don't be a dick, smile, and do your fucking job; but do it right and with some sort of honor! If you can't get on board with what this industry is and always jas been, this isn't the job for you. You're in for a rude awakening when you realize you fucked up one of the best jobs in the world; all because you couldn't be bothered to act right.

OH BOYYSSSSSS, DON'T THINK YOU'RE IN THE CLEAR! You're next! "Part 2" is all about you and how you need to be acting to get attention, rather than make us want to run from you..

To be continued...

- Miss Sadie McLaren 💜


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