Advice for Baby Strippers; if I Can Do It, Anyone Can.
I am the worst blogger ever! Let me just start by saying that I've had time for absolutely nothing but work and kids. I think I may have had a margarita sometime in the last two months; and that'd be the extent of my "social life".
I'm an agoraphobe & exotic dancer. I have major social anxiety but I love the stage. I have degenerative arthritis in my back, scoliosis, but you can find me climbing a pole and walking around it with my feet on the ceiling on any given Friday. How?? Discipline, self motivation, and yoga! Sitting? Bad. Standing in one spot? Bad. Wearing 7" platforms and doing acrobatics? What back pain?? That answers about 8,000 questions.
So how does someone with a list of ailments, aged 32 (33 this year), and complete cynic handle such a physical & considerably mentally draining career? For younger girls the whole, "I'm young and cute" thing works, for a while... Realistically every dancer makes what we call "new girl money" at any new club we dance at; baby strippers have to learn the hard way that they have to create their "hustle" within about two weeks, or they'll be hit with the infamous "Why the hell did my money go down by half?!" thought..
I get paid to talk. I'm definitely a top performer at my club, but my brain is my "sexy superpower", despite my freakishly young looking face, and athletic physique. Physical attributes fade, but an active and intelligent brain lasts forever, and will get you much further in life; even in this industry. Sometimes, ESPECIALLY in this industry. Some men just don't want a girl grinding on them but rather have a refreshing conversation; one they'd never expect in such an environment. Those guys spend more than the weirdos who get 20 dances; no joke. If you have no personality this is so NOT the industry for you. It's like waiting tables on steroids!
Why even use the stage if you need a brain? Well.. How else are you going to make it known to every man/woman in the room that you're there, you have a special talent, and you're there to showcase said talent? Also, let's face it, no matter what the guy is seeking out, not one will object to a nude gymnast dripping with sex appeal.
Regulars... NEVER become fully or almost fully dependent on your regular(s); 99% of the time they end up dissatisfied, and they want "more". It won't take long for them to figure out they'll never get more than what's given, they move on. We call that getting "stripper dumped" and it rarely ends well. I, myself, have one order of protection against an old regular, and a formal harassment complaint against another customer. It's not all fun and games. Regulars can be a slippery slope, so treat lightly, and for the love of the stripper gods, do NOT promise them things you can't deliver, just to get their cash. Rookie mistake with first time regulars. A lot of "baby strippers" (amateurs) make this mistake and some end up getting themselves into trouble.
Carry mace, learn how to use it. Carry a taser, baton, gun,etc. Whatever is legal and makes you feel safe; and please make sure you know how to use these weapons. Not one of them is safe. It's a weapon. That should be self explanatory.
Don't do "extras".. I.E. letting men suck on your nipples, touch you under your G-string, etc. Self explanatory.. Just don't be a whore.. If you must be a prostitute (no judgment here) KEEP IT AWAY FROM THE CLUB!!! Other girls, like myself, who respect themselves and act like ladies, CANNOT "compete" with such behavior. As I stated earlier, I've made tens of thousands of dollars by talking.... As a waitress, also, but mostly in dancing.
Taxes. File them. 1099 form. Keep ALL receipts for gas, outfits, shoes, etc.. Anything work related, because it IS a tax write off. Yes, those glittery platforms are tax deductible, so NEVER throw out receipts. Keep track of tips.. It's THAT SIMPLE! You'll never owe. You can pay into your taxes quarterly, as well.
"House girls" rule the roost. What is a house girl? Me.. Lifers. Crazy bitches who devote all their energy to their club and have worked there for years. I'm going on 6 years at my current club; the owners and ONE bouncer/DJ are there from 2011, when I started there, and everyone else came later. My club's turnover rate is high, so I'd say we have maybe 5 house girls, out of the 25-30 on our roster. I'm like a mama bear, I like new girls. Most house girls, however, do NOT. They are not shy about it either. They will try to push new girls out (especially young & cute ones). They will be rude and act like "queen bees". They're threatened. Someone new is "infringing on their territory" and now they must "protect what's theirs"... Which brings me to this...
Territorial strippers. This is the WORST dancer you will come across at any club. The more jealous and territorial they are over their regular(s), the more threatened they actually feel by you; pay them no mind. This is off putting and a lot of men do not like that; on the other hand, some want you to act as if you own them. Every single customer is different. Some of them are even as petty as the girls they come to see. Ignore those assholes. They're nothing more than narcissistic show offs.. Gross. The type of man most women hate; so who cares, right? Right.. These are also the girls who don't (and never will) realize that working as a team makes everyone more money; for themselves, everyone else, AND the club. Yes.. Even in this industry teamwork is very helpful.
Every man who walks through the doors of a club is different. They have different wants, needs, and desires. Some guys like feet. So keep those toes painted. $500 for a 15 minute foot massage is nothing to sneer at; but that is not the norm. You have to learn to "read" customers.. If a guy is flashing a wad of singles, but he's not tipping on stage, then he's not there to spend money. He's playing a game. Don't give into it. Pay attention to the quiet old guy in the corner, the lonely farmer, or the man in the business suit with good manners. The young boys tossing $1 at a time on stage? Not likely.
NEVER ask questions that can be answered with a "yes" or a "no"; open ended questions only. People love to talk about themselves,and unless they ask, they don't want to hear about you. Your interest in them will make them feel more "special" and you'll be more likely to talk them into a few VIPs. Remember, they came in with money to spend, so don't feel bad. Most of them just want to spend their cash on the "right" girl.
NEVER reveal your real name and NEVER give them your phone number. If they're prospective regulars, then take their number, and either download a text messaging app on your phone or tablet; giving you a different number. Or get a cheap prepaid phone. You never know, so don't put yourself, or your families, in potential danger. Always be cautious. Remember, they fool us as much as we like to fool them.
If you find yourself not being able to be sober at work, this job is not for you. If you can't handle dealing with some of the most fucked up people you'll ever meet, this job is not for you. If you can't hold a conversation, this job is not for you. It's not about pole tricks and nudity; it's about sensuality, sexuality, and personality. Find your hustle and go make that money! πβ€ππΆπ°π°π°
I'm an agoraphobe & exotic dancer. I have major social anxiety but I love the stage. I have degenerative arthritis in my back, scoliosis, but you can find me climbing a pole and walking around it with my feet on the ceiling on any given Friday. How?? Discipline, self motivation, and yoga! Sitting? Bad. Standing in one spot? Bad. Wearing 7" platforms and doing acrobatics? What back pain?? That answers about 8,000 questions.
So how does someone with a list of ailments, aged 32 (33 this year), and complete cynic handle such a physical & considerably mentally draining career? For younger girls the whole, "I'm young and cute" thing works, for a while... Realistically every dancer makes what we call "new girl money" at any new club we dance at; baby strippers have to learn the hard way that they have to create their "hustle" within about two weeks, or they'll be hit with the infamous "Why the hell did my money go down by half?!" thought..
I get paid to talk. I'm definitely a top performer at my club, but my brain is my "sexy superpower", despite my freakishly young looking face, and athletic physique. Physical attributes fade, but an active and intelligent brain lasts forever, and will get you much further in life; even in this industry. Sometimes, ESPECIALLY in this industry. Some men just don't want a girl grinding on them but rather have a refreshing conversation; one they'd never expect in such an environment. Those guys spend more than the weirdos who get 20 dances; no joke. If you have no personality this is so NOT the industry for you. It's like waiting tables on steroids!
Why even use the stage if you need a brain? Well.. How else are you going to make it known to every man/woman in the room that you're there, you have a special talent, and you're there to showcase said talent? Also, let's face it, no matter what the guy is seeking out, not one will object to a nude gymnast dripping with sex appeal.
Regulars... NEVER become fully or almost fully dependent on your regular(s); 99% of the time they end up dissatisfied, and they want "more". It won't take long for them to figure out they'll never get more than what's given, they move on. We call that getting "stripper dumped" and it rarely ends well. I, myself, have one order of protection against an old regular, and a formal harassment complaint against another customer. It's not all fun and games. Regulars can be a slippery slope, so treat lightly, and for the love of the stripper gods, do NOT promise them things you can't deliver, just to get their cash. Rookie mistake with first time regulars. A lot of "baby strippers" (amateurs) make this mistake and some end up getting themselves into trouble.
Carry mace, learn how to use it. Carry a taser, baton, gun,etc. Whatever is legal and makes you feel safe; and please make sure you know how to use these weapons. Not one of them is safe. It's a weapon. That should be self explanatory.
Don't do "extras".. I.E. letting men suck on your nipples, touch you under your G-string, etc. Self explanatory.. Just don't be a whore.. If you must be a prostitute (no judgment here) KEEP IT AWAY FROM THE CLUB!!! Other girls, like myself, who respect themselves and act like ladies, CANNOT "compete" with such behavior. As I stated earlier, I've made tens of thousands of dollars by talking.... As a waitress, also, but mostly in dancing.
Taxes. File them. 1099 form. Keep ALL receipts for gas, outfits, shoes, etc.. Anything work related, because it IS a tax write off. Yes, those glittery platforms are tax deductible, so NEVER throw out receipts. Keep track of tips.. It's THAT SIMPLE! You'll never owe. You can pay into your taxes quarterly, as well.
"House girls" rule the roost. What is a house girl? Me.. Lifers. Crazy bitches who devote all their energy to their club and have worked there for years. I'm going on 6 years at my current club; the owners and ONE bouncer/DJ are there from 2011, when I started there, and everyone else came later. My club's turnover rate is high, so I'd say we have maybe 5 house girls, out of the 25-30 on our roster. I'm like a mama bear, I like new girls. Most house girls, however, do NOT. They are not shy about it either. They will try to push new girls out (especially young & cute ones). They will be rude and act like "queen bees". They're threatened. Someone new is "infringing on their territory" and now they must "protect what's theirs"... Which brings me to this...
Territorial strippers. This is the WORST dancer you will come across at any club. The more jealous and territorial they are over their regular(s), the more threatened they actually feel by you; pay them no mind. This is off putting and a lot of men do not like that; on the other hand, some want you to act as if you own them. Every single customer is different. Some of them are even as petty as the girls they come to see. Ignore those assholes. They're nothing more than narcissistic show offs.. Gross. The type of man most women hate; so who cares, right? Right.. These are also the girls who don't (and never will) realize that working as a team makes everyone more money; for themselves, everyone else, AND the club. Yes.. Even in this industry teamwork is very helpful.
Every man who walks through the doors of a club is different. They have different wants, needs, and desires. Some guys like feet. So keep those toes painted. $500 for a 15 minute foot massage is nothing to sneer at; but that is not the norm. You have to learn to "read" customers.. If a guy is flashing a wad of singles, but he's not tipping on stage, then he's not there to spend money. He's playing a game. Don't give into it. Pay attention to the quiet old guy in the corner, the lonely farmer, or the man in the business suit with good manners. The young boys tossing $1 at a time on stage? Not likely.
NEVER ask questions that can be answered with a "yes" or a "no"; open ended questions only. People love to talk about themselves,and unless they ask, they don't want to hear about you. Your interest in them will make them feel more "special" and you'll be more likely to talk them into a few VIPs. Remember, they came in with money to spend, so don't feel bad. Most of them just want to spend their cash on the "right" girl.
NEVER reveal your real name and NEVER give them your phone number. If they're prospective regulars, then take their number, and either download a text messaging app on your phone or tablet; giving you a different number. Or get a cheap prepaid phone. You never know, so don't put yourself, or your families, in potential danger. Always be cautious. Remember, they fool us as much as we like to fool them.
If you find yourself not being able to be sober at work, this job is not for you. If you can't handle dealing with some of the most fucked up people you'll ever meet, this job is not for you. If you can't hold a conversation, this job is not for you. It's not about pole tricks and nudity; it's about sensuality, sexuality, and personality. Find your hustle and go make that money! πβ€ππΆπ°π°π°
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